“We do not learn from experience, we learn by reflecting on experience”

John Dewey


91% of people who feel

they belong

are engaged.


Circling is a highly effective tool for self-exploration, personal and professional development.

Circles create space for people to share their work, team-related, or personal challenges, and explore solutions within their team

Circles impart culture while fostering belonging.

In a circle, participants listen actively to one another, hold space for each other's experiences, and ask open and honest questions. This can be a transformative experience where individuals connect on a deeper level, and gain a better understanding of themselves and their role in the business.

In a circle, we become aware of our reality and weave a new shared reality.

Circling is essentially about increasing connection and cultivating empathy. By developing the ability to listen attentively, communicate honestly, and hold space for others' experiences, we can create a culture that is more compassionate, understanding, and connected.

“Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.”



  • All the circles are facilitated by vetted and experienced life and business coaches. People we trust.

  • Circles gather at least twice a month for around 60 -90 minutes depending on the size of the group. During January and December, circles gather once to accommodate for vacations and end-of-year madness.

  • Due to time constraints we recommend around 8 -10 but no more than 12 per circle.

  • Circles are safe spaces that follow specific rules designed to help each participant reflect on their experience. During a circle the facilitator would ask open and honest questions and give guidance where required.

  • Taking into account the confidential nature of a circle, the team lead has open access, within reason, to the facilitator via WhatsApp for feedback.

  • Bonding and transformation take time. We recommend that a circle run at least for a year.

  • Yes! We recommend running two circles with a team to try it out. If you decide to go ahead with the annual subscription the payment will be credited to your account.

  • Schedule a free call with us to talk about whether circles are right for your organization.